Grief and Bereavement
This is a topic I’ve wanted to write about for some time but it’s also one that hurts me most to ponder so I’ve been putting it off. A recent family holiday visiting the magnificent beaches of the Northumberland coastline got me thinking about something I’d started writing following my mum’s death in 2020 and […]
Digging up the past
The Festival of British Archaeology began on 15th July and goes on until the 30th. Archaeology has always fascinated me and when I was little I actually wanted to be an archaeologist; I even did a school project on it. I love that a little big of digging in the right places can unearth information […]
They say that it’s as good as a rest but sometimes going through a period of change is the least restful experience a person has, particularly when the change isn’t welcome but sometimes even when it’s been longed for. But change is inevitable - we cannot escape it and must learn to deal with it […]

© Michelle Williams

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